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Top Tips for Potty Training ChihuahuasUpdated a year ago

House training tips for Chihuahuas - so cute! 

They might not be so cute when they are peeing all over your carpet though. Chihuahuas are notoriously difficult to potty train, with a sensitive nature that requires a very patient owner.

Thankfully, we’ve enlisted the expertise of our two Chihuahua friends, Eddie (@eddie.thechihuahua ) and Salvador (@salvadorthechihuahua), to share their house breaking experiences!

Tip 1: Start Indoors

Salvador: Start with a pee pad or other indoor solution. When I was a puppy, I didn’t feel safe going in the cold, rain, or snow which made pee pads the perfect way for me to go whenever I needed. 

Chihuahuas can feel small and vulnerable outdoors, making them resistant to letting themselves go outside. You can start training them indoors with a Doggy Bathroom as part of your indoor/outdoor potty strategy, but as we always say; outdoor walks and exercise is important for all dogs, even the smallest of pups! 

Tip 2: Pay Attention

Eddie: It’s important to look out for signs that I make right before I need to use the potty. If I am suddenly sniffing around and/or turning in circles then it’s time to take me to my special spot… meaning my Doggy Bathroom! 

Tip 3: Crate Training

Salvador: Crate training really helped me gain structure and get into a routine. Chihuahuas (and all dogs for that matter) won't relieve themselves in the same crate where they sleep and rest, so if the urge to potty strikes, they will try to hold it until you let us outside or lead us to our Doggy Bathroom. This is a good way to train Chihuahuas!

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